Don’t Deprive, Don’t Derail

I hope you all enjoyed the Super Bowl this past Sunday!  What was your favorite commercial?  Top Gun is my all-time favorite movie, so I enjoyed seeing the trailer for the sequel coming out this summer.

Sticking to our nutrition goals can be tough during events like the Super Bowl that are centered around indulgent food.  It can be hard to resist the temptation, or deal with others giving you a hard time for not eating the junk food.  If you did indulge Sunday night, give yourself grace.  Balance is key, and if we never allow ourselves to have the pizza and chicken wings, that could lead to overdoing it at some point because we become resentful of not being able to eat it.  If we are unhappy or resentful our nutrition plans won’t be sustainable.  I don’t know about you, but I can’t imagine a life without pizza ever again.

Let yourself have something indulgent every once and a while, just don’t go overboard and say well I am going to eat bad during the Super Bowl, so I might as well eat bad all weekend, or even all week.  Give yourself some leeway to enjoy yourself a little during the game but stay on track to your nutrition plan the rest of the day.

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