Something is Better Than Nothing

Ever skip workouts because you are sore, don’t have a full hour, or got stuck late at work?  I have been there.

Don’t think that it has to be all or nothing.  Once I realized this, there have been times when I didn’t leave work in time to make it to the gym for the last class so I would just do a quick 15-minute body weight workout when I got home.

Just because today you physically aren’t able to go 110% percent for a full hour, doesn’t mean you can’t do something.  Knees feeling a little achy today and the workout calls for running?  Bike instead to save your knees from impact.  Quads still sore from 150 air squats two days ago so you can’t do the intended squat cleans today without compromising form and hurting yourself?  Do power cleans instead.  Can’t work out for a full hour because you got stuck at work and can’t make class?  Do 50 burpees when you get home. 

Anything can be modified to fit your physical abilities today, and even just five minutes of movement is better than nothing.  Consistency is key.  Do what you can with what you have today, I promise it will be worth it.

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